A fireball and resolutions for the future
I thought of starting this year with something strong and warm to contrast the cold weather that we are facing now in Europe. What would be better than a fireball?
From Mario Tran Phuc; Art Director at Chimney, Frankfurt
On new year's eve there were no new resolutions made. All resolutions for the near future were planned, discussed and decided last year. Today, they simply become more mature.
This year I'll bring to you interviews made to people inside the animation world, from young artists to founders of award-winning studios. I'll bring new studios to the table to share their work with us. I'll give a new light to illustration works presented and to be presented here.
And I will show you how my 3D heart is going and how the finished product will be as soon as I finish it.
I hope you had some nice holidays. I know I did.