Do you know what an idea looks like in your head?
Ever wondered how an idea comes up in your head? And some of them just pop up when you're about to sleep? Me neither... Just found this...

Did you hear about KLIK Festival?
Guess where I was during last week, for a few days? Right on the button! I was at KLIK! AMSTERDAM ANIMATION FESTIVAL, as a volunteer to...
The future of storytelling!
Hello everyone! Just found this really cool story and thought of sharing it with you! Inspiring! Enjoy! Future of storytelling!...
Beautiful Chemical Reactions
Hello everyone! I wanted to share with you these amazing videos, shot using "a 4K UltraHD camera and special lenses to capture chemical...

Next Generation Scientific Poster
Ever heard about the Gutemberg Diagram? This is the time then. Who of you has spent innumerous hours preparing a poster for a scientific...

Insights from a Blender Conference
StartFragment "Let's see an example of a problem." - I was not expecting this. The theatre was full, people sitting on the floor, and...

New Section - Links
Although interested and curious about almost everything that shines - regarding animation and illustration, of course, I have to say that...

To a new beginning!
Hello all, Since I'm just starting this adventure I tought I could take you with me, from the beginning. If you're interested, that is......

Imagine Science Film Festival
The 7th annual Imagine Science Film Festival will take place in New York (NY, USA), from 17 to 23 October, 2014. "Time" is the theme!...

BIO Fiction Science Art Film Festival
The second BIO·FICTION Science Art Film Festival will take place from 23 - 25 October, 2014. At the Museum of Natural History in Vienna,...