BBC Science Club animations
Just noticed BBC lauched it's own science club with great info animations! I'm late to show this to many of you since this was already in...
Melting points
How about heating up things in this cold weather? Let's see what happens when you increase the heat... Melting points by General Electric...
A fireball and resolutions for the future
I thought of starting this year with something strong and warm to contrast the cold weather that we are facing now in Europe. What would...
Sciencemotionology went to the movies
The spark that ignites my curiosity is the process behind making this movie. Of course it was impressive to watch the movie on an IMAX...

Creating a 3D heart at home...
There are several scientists doing in vitro 3D cell cultures to mimic the real environment inside our body, in order to better understand...
BioBlender and SciVis in the production of The Dark Gene
Hi guys, The Dark Gene - a documentary film, coproduction of about the two perspectives from both doctor and patient on his recurring...

Stand Up To Cancer!
Stand Up To Cancer! It's payback time! They couldn't be too cute - they are cancer cells for crying out loud! This was one of the...
Amazing way to introduce Rosetta mission
This was the amazing way ESA found to introduce the Rosetta mission - landing on a comet, through computer animation! Enjoy! #rosetta...
Drew Berry - Visualization: Biology and Complex Circuits
Hello there! To most people doing scientific animations or illustrations Drew Berry is no stranger. Considered one of the "maestros" of...
The first murder!
Just found this. I had to share it with you! Enjoy! A Blue-Zoo Animation Written and Directed by: Philip Brooks & Alec Smith Animation:...